Loot scaling and multi enemy kills
so through out my time of playing guildwars (2 1/2 years) i've heard many things about how loot is dropped and farming myths. i want expert farmings to tell which ones are true
1. if you kill all the enemies at once you get poor loot. (this idea came about in the loot scaling update when it said something about the speed at which you kill enemies) so people now kill enemies one at a time, but very quickly, generally via silver armor.
2. the anti-farming code still exist in the form that after farming a single area or mob very repeatedly the enemies eventually drop nothing (this player made theory is also supported by the treasure chest in nightfall)
3. at one point i saw a thread stating the multi kill=poor drops idea was false say him and his brother syc entered to one area, one of the brothers killed each enemy 1 by 1, the other used shield of judgment.
4. if person A kills a mob in 30 seconds by killing them 1 by 1. and person B kills them all at once in still 30 seconds, person b gets worse drops.
5. Anet will not clarify the rules because they hate farmers and farming and will be sure to make impossible to farm in gw2.
thank you for your help